Bitterness in coffee
Did you know that on average we are more sensitive to bitterness and less sensitive to sweetness? And that bitterness sensitivity can vary from person to person?
In 1931, a chemist named Arthur Fox was pouring some powdered PTC into a bottle. PTC stands for phenylthiocarbamide, also known as phenylthiourea, the chemical structure of PTC resembles toxic alkaloids found in some poisonous plants. When some of the powder accidentally blew into the air, a colleague standing nearby complained that the dust tasted bitter. Fox tasted nothing at all. Curious how they could be tasting the chemical differently, they tasted it again. The results were the same. Fox had his friends and family try the chemical then describe how it tasted. Some people tasted nothing. Some found it intensely bitter, and still others thought it tasted only slightly bitter.
Soon after its discovery, geneticists determined that there is an inherited component that called. TAS2R38 that was discovered in 2003.
The shape of the receptor protein determines how strongly it can bind to PTC. Since all people have two copies of every gene, combinations of the bitter taste gene variants determine whether someone finds PTC intensely bitter, somewhat bitter, or without taste at all.
Tea vs. Coffee
Tea and coffee, while distinct, share compelling similarities. Both offer a caffeine boost for productivity and moments of unwinding. Whether it's the calming aroma of Earl Grey or the indulgence of a latte, these beverages foster global connections. Their adaptability in preparation methods further enhances their popularity, making tea and coffee integral parts of daily routines worldwide.
Both are going through processing after harvesting
The plants are highly affected by soil, altitude and temperature

Lets reset the doses on the espresso machine
Once in a while it happens that the doses button on the espresso machine have been mistakenly changed into an unpreferred amount. In this video we will show you how to reset your doses on your coffee machine.
Choose the left group-head. This is the leading group-head. All settings are automatically transfered to the right side.
When resetting the dosing program always do it with coffee in the portafilter
1. Remove portafilter from left grouphead
2. Entering the dosing programming menu
Press and hold the 2-line button/last button
3. Wait until the button starts blinking
4. Grind a dose and prepare it (tamping)
5. Place the portafilter in the group-head
6. Press the button you want to reset (example double espresso)
7. Press it again when you have the amount you want in the cup
8. Repeat again with the rest of the buttons you want to reset
9. To escape the dosing programming menu press the 2-line button again
10. The dose is now saved
(You can do the same with the 2 hot water buttons)
Two ways of measuring the amount on the cup
B. By using a scale - remember to tare to 0 after you place the cup on the scale
Let’s talk about milk
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Let’s talk about milk
A perfectly frothed milk is not a simple task and it takes a lot of practice and time to learn how to make. But, understanding how frothing occurs, could potentially help you become better at making it, the same way that watching videos of people making latte art can help you learn how to make a simple, nice, white heart on your cappuccino. Foam in milk happens when we introduce hot air (steam). The spinning of milk helps us break the bubbles we created by introducing air. The proteins in milk are actually the ones responsible for the formation and stability of the foam, while fats play an important role on mouthfeel. Info about our Barista Courses.
Fun facts about milk
Did you know though, that 65% of adults lose the ability to digest lactose at some point during their adulthood making them lactose intolerant? What a bummer...
Aaand...that’s how plant based mylk entered the chatroom. The most popular plant based mylk in Europe you ask? I’ll tell you: It’s Soy mylk and Oat mylk is also growing drastically and probably will be number one very soon. Soy and Oat mylk are also the most sustainable to produce in water used during production and in Co2 produced per liter. When manufacturers want to make the plant-based mylk suitable for Barista use, they add emulsifiers to make it suitable for frothing. Did you know that the average amount of vegetable base that is used in a mylk formulation is 10%? But many of the plant-based mylks that we find in the supermarket do not have more than 5%. Dryk has 10%.
What is a Flat White?
While being maybe one of the most controversial coffee beverages ever existed, the Flat White is also many people’s preferred choice among a, quite frankly, big portfolio of recipes.
The term flat white was reported for the first time in the 1980’s by coffee historian Dr. Jonathan Morris. During the last decades, Flat White has become very popular first in Australia and New Zealand and then all over the globe. But what is it exactly?
Andrew Tolley from the Coffee Knowledge Hub defines it as ‘’ a coffee drink made with a single, double, triple or quadruple shot of espresso and topped with steamed, microfoam milk. Less foam than a cappuccino... size doesn’t matter, it is all about ratio, the ratio of espresso coffee to milk. ‘’
‘’Understanding the Flat White can also be done in the context of what it is not - Flat White vs. Latte vs. Cappuccino’’ he tells us, and though each of these drinks may seem very similar, they have distinct differences.
So, we hope this Basic Coffee Beverage Chart helps you understand those differences a bit more. Læs mere om vores baristakurser og downlaod vores kaffeplakat her.
What makes a good coffee menu?
There are multipole traditions around the world when it comes to coffee drinks and the idea of a cup of coffee can be so different from country-to-country. For example, a cup of coffee in the USA usually implies to a cup of filter coffee whereas a cup of coffee in Italy is more likely to imply to an espresso. That’s why having a clear and simple coffee menu is so important for properly communicating the different items you serve to your customers. But crafting a coffee menu is not always so simple. For this reason, I would like to share some tips with you on what to keep in mind when creating one.
- The beverages you are serving are as good as your baristas. Not only the products should be simple and easy to explain to your customers but also trainable, for your staff to be able to execute them correctly and with consistency.
- Explore online choices (f.e QR code) for your menu that allows you to be flexible for any possible changes and avoid the unnecessary waste of paper.
- If you want to boost the sales of a product place it closer to the top of your menu instead of the bottom. Customers tend to avoid going through all the menu and often decide what to order only reading half way though.
Join us on a summer bike ride
Here at Espresso Systems, we enjoy cycling. Now that the summer is here, we want to share with you a lovely route we sometimes take. And if you get tired and need to stop, or if you are craving for something to eat or drink, don’t worry. We’ve got you. Here are some of our recommendations of coffee shops and restaurants where you could stop for rest.
Start at Det Fedtede Hjørne at around 52 kilometers in and enjoy the view of the beautiful Hornbæk Havn.
On your way back you could grab a slice of pizza to keep up the energy at Café Divino and Divina.
If you want to take a quick dive into the sea to cool down you should drop by Oddies Beach Bar and grab a fresh lemonade.
Lastly, Finish your route with something sweet or a cup of coffee at Café Jorden Rundt.
Check out the route on Strava